Visualizer 3D Studio Documentation

Installation and Activation of Visualizer 3D Studio

In order to use your OKM Visualizer 3D Studio software you have to activate it first. Learn how to activate the software with your Software Key and an appropriate Activation Code.

Graphical User Interface

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of OKM Visualizer 3D Studio has many different toolbars, buttons and controls. Get to know your toolbars and controls to utilize your software.

Main Menu

The main menu contains all functions for using the Visualizer 3D Studio software. This overview explains the meaning of the menu items.

Main Toolbar

The most important functions of the Visualizer 3D Studio software are assembled in the Main Toolbar. Read this section to get an overview of all its functionallity.

Left Sidebar

The Left Sidebar contains several functions that are necessary to control the mouse operations and the standard views of the scan image.

Right Sidebar

The Right Sidebar contains several functions that are useful for analyzing and editing 3D scan images (e.g. soil type selection, modifiers, visualization options, etc.).

Shortcut Overview

Many software functions can be controlled with simple shortcuts and mouse buttons. This section explains all of them.

Preferences and Settings

Visualizer 3D Studio offers many individual settings that can ease  the handling of the application. This section will explain those preferences.

Preferences: General Settings

This section describes the General Settings of the Preferences Dialog.

Preferences: Folder Settings

This section describes the Folder Settings of the Preferences Dialog.

Importing Scan Data from Detector

The software provides the data import of several OKM detectors. Learn more about importing the scan data and adjusting the individual settings.

Wireless Data Import via Bluetooth

This section explains how to complete your data import with Bluetooth driven OKM Detectors.