Şunun için arama sonuçları "iran"

Artifacts Detected with OKM eXp 6000 in 30 ft (9 m) Depth
Blog Gönderisi  · Eylül 21, 2023

OKM eXp 6000 ile 9m (30ft) derinlikte tespit edilen artefaktlar

Bronz vazolardan süslü kaplara kadar antik eserlerden oluşan bu koleksiyon, geçmiş uygarlıkların zengin mirasını ve zamanlarının zanaatkârlığını gözler önüne seriyor....

Ancient goat bells discovered in Iran
Blog Gönderisi  · Şubat 13, 2008

Ancient goat bells discovered in Iran

An old grave including human remains together with some copper rings and valuable historical goat or sheep bells have been...

eXp 6000 locates ancient bronze vase in more than 4 m depth
Blog Gönderisi  · Ekim 11, 2017

eXp 6000 locates ancient bronze vase in more than 4 m depth

A successful treasure hunter found a small ancient bronze vase in more than 4 m depth with his ground scanner...

Rover UC detects copper coins in Iran
Blog Gönderisi  · Şubat 17, 2017

Rover UC detects copper coins in Iran

Rover UC detects copper coins in Iran in 4 m depth.

Rover UC Successful in Iran: Coin Hoard Found in 4.7 m (15.4 ft) Depth
Blog Gönderisi  · Mart 15, 2011

Rover UC Successful in Iran: Coin Hoard Found in 4.7 m (15.4 ft) Depth

About 300 pieces of these valuable precious coins have been found by a lucky Iranian treasure hunter. The coins have...

Silver Coin Hoard Found with OKM eXp 6000
Blog Gönderisi  · Ağustos 23, 2023

OKM eXp 6000 ile Gümüş Sikke Hazinesi Bulundu

3D yer tarayıcısı eXp 6000, neredeyse 2 m derinlikteki sikke istifini tespit etti. Gümüş sikkeler bize Sasani hükümdarları ve politikaları...

3,500-Year-Old Figurines Found with Metal Detector Rover Deluxe in Iran
Blog Gönderisi  · Mart 20, 2005

3,500-Year-Old Figurines Found with Metal Detector Rover Deluxe in Iran

These ancient artifacts have been detected with the 3D metal detector and ground scanner Rover Deluxe in the region of...

Precious bridle detected with Rover Deluxe
Blog Gönderisi  · Şubat 23, 2009

Precious bridle detected with Rover Deluxe

This beautiful treasure target shows an ancient bridle which was located by an OKM customer using the 3D metal detector...

Golden Plate Detected in Iran with Bionic X4
Blog Gönderisi  · Aralık 08, 2014

Golden Plate Detected in Iran with Bionic X4

Beneath historic foundations of an old church in north west of Iran a wonderful treasure has been detected with OKM's...

Rover C II detects a goat statue made of copper and gold in Iran
Blog Gönderisi  · Aralık 02, 2008

Rover C II detects a goat statue made of copper and gold in Iran

End of 2008 some customers from the Middle East area located a small statue made of copper, zinc and gold,...

Golden Miniature Rhyton from Persian Empire Detected in Iran
Blog Gönderisi  · Kasım 18, 2011

Golden Miniature Rhyton from Persian Empire Detected in Iran

Long-range gold detector Bionic 01 and undercover metal detector Rover UC have been used by Iranian treasure hunters from Kermanshah...

3D Ground Scanner Rover C II Locates Gold Jewelry in Iran
Blog Gönderisi  · Aralık 19, 2016

3D Ground Scanner Rover C II Locates Gold Jewelry in Iran

A successful treasure hunter shared his latest treasure find: With his OKM 3D ground scanner Rover C II he detected...

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