Treasure chests

14 مايو 2020
OKM Glossary

Treasure chests are, in a certain sense, hollow spaces in which treasure hunters can find valuables. When examining treasure chests with OKM detectors, users should bear in mind that boxes may be made of iron or contain iron parts that influence the measurement results.

Knights Templar Treasure Hunt: Archaeological Expedition to Poland
01 يونيو 2022

Knights Templar Treasure Hunt: Archaeological Expedition to Poland

OKM followed an expedition to Poland searching the underground near and in the church for graves of the Knights Templar. ...

Treasure troves and chambers can be detected with OKM 3D Ground Scanners
14 مايو 2020

Treasure trove

➤ Treasure troves supply a collection or store of valuable objects. Whether in castles and palaces or within the walls ...

French Archaeologist Discovers Secret Door of Machu Picchu with OKM Rover C II
27 فبراير 2013

French Archaeologist Discovers Secret Door of Machu Picchu with OKM Rover C II

Archaeologist discovers a new underground chamber in the Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru with OKM Rover C II. ...