OKM in action in the field: This time the search project took the team of OKM company founder, business developer and training instructor to the region of Dębno, Poland, to locate historical graves - the so-called "Field of Warriors". Also on site were the project team of Stowarzyszenie Templum, the magazine Relikte der Geschichte (Relics of History) and the Sondelsüchtig treasure hunters.
Successful training, successful treasure hunting: The project team is happy about the findings with 3D ground scanner Rover C4.
Journalist with passion: O. Bartoszewski, Magazine 'Relikte der Geschichte' (Relics of history), in action.
The search action was led by Darek de Lorm, project leader of Stowarzyszenie Templum and future OKM distributor. The search offered perfect conditions to learn how to use the 3D ground scanner Rover C4 in the field - or rather in the forest.
Project team in Debno, Poland: left to right: OKM company founder A. Krauss, OKM training instructor R. Jung (in background), project leader D. de Lorm and Relikte journalist O. Bartoszewski
First Training with Rover C4
After comprehensive instruction on the functions and scan modes of the Rover C4 and training of the operation of the 3D metal detector and ground scanner, the first measurement started. A second control scan was performed to validate the findings of the first ground scan.
Introduction of Rover C4: OKM Training Instructor R. Jung explains functions, scan modes and handling of the Rover C4.
Future OKM dealer tests Rover C4: First use of Rover C4, first success: The initial test scan already collects interesting scan data.
Introduction of Georadar Gepard GPR 3D
Furthermore, the new ground radar Gepard GPR 3D was on board. Its improved features and functions were also of great interest, because underground structures like tunnels, buried foundations and burial chambers can also be easily located with the GPR. This time, for the detection of treasures and relics the Rover C4 provided more suitable functions and convinced particularly in the rough terrain of the forest.
Introduction of new Gepard GPR: OKM Training Instructor explains improved functions and handling of the new GPR 3D.
Introduction of new Gepard GPR: OKM Training Instructor explains scan data analysis with GPR 3D.
On-site ground scans with Rover C4
In order to find (pre)historical burial sites, predetermined areas of forest were scanned with the Rover C4. The ground scans gave first insights into the ground: The scans show already excavated areas (blue color, right side in the picture) as well as potential finds which are still in the ground (red color, left side in the picture). Whether the discoveries are actually skeletons with grave goods or further interesting relics will be confirmed by the upcoming excavations. The approval for further archaeological excavations is already in progress.
Rover C4 testscan wire frame view: This test scan shows only a limited number of lines: The scan field (4.5 x 2 m) comprised 7 scan lines.
Rover C4 testscan split screen view: The initial test scan already reveals interesting discoveries.
Details of this project and the continuation of the search will soon be available in the OKM Blog, in the April issue of the Relikte der Geschichte (Relics of History) magazine and on the Stowarzyszenie Templum project page.
اكتشف أبرز أحداث معرض OKM RoadShow 2024 في La Boutique du Fouilleur، أكبر متجر للكشف عن المعادن في فرنسا. عرضت ...
نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط
بعضها ضروري لتشغيل الموقع الإلكتروني ووظائفه، والبعض الآخر يُستخدم لأغراض إحصائية أو تسويقية. من خلال اختيار 'قبول ملفات تعريف الارتباط الضرورية فقط'، سنحترم خصوصيتك ولن نقوم بتعيين ملفات تعريف الارتباط غير الضرورية لتشغيل الموقع الإلكتروني.
تعمل ملفات تعريف الارتباط الضرورية على تمكين الوظائف الأساسية وهي ضرورية لحسن سير عمل الموقع الإلكتروني
.تعمل خدمات التحليلات على تحسين أداء هذا الموقع الإلكتروني ووظائفه من خلال جمع المعلومات والإبلاغ عنها بشكل مجهول
ُستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط التسويقية لعرض إعلانات مخصصة. وهي تقوم بذلك من خلال تتبع الزوار عبر المواقع الإلكترونية