Handover of Water Detector GeoSeeker to "Aktion Pro Afrika"

19 ديسمبر 2017

It was an OKM brochure of the water detector GeoSeeker in French that inspired the hydraulic engineer Makam Keitha in Mali and finally initiated the contact between the association "Aktion Pro Afrika" and OKM.

The newspaper LVZ accompanied the handover of the water detector GeoSeeker to the association and reported about it.

Read online article (in German) at www.lvz.de »

"Aktion Pro Afrika" knows that water is a valuable good in dry regions that is even more expensive than gold: Thus, the association supports villages in Mali with humanitarian aid campaigns to improve the water supply. To date, 25 small and large wells have been constructed in villages with 300 to 1500 inhabitants in order to improve living conditions in the Sahel zone.

LVZ and association Aktion pro Afrika at OKM
LVZ and association "Aktion Pro Afrika" at OKM: Local newspaper reports about the handover of the water detector to the association "Aktion Pro Afrika".

OKM's managing directors Andreas Krauss and Ingolf Mueller decided immediately to support the association and to take over half of the costs of the water detector GeoSeeker. More effective than donations are fundamental improvements of living conditions in Africa - for example through well construction and thus ensuring the availability of clean drinking water.

Handover of the GeoSeeker to Aktion pro Afrika
Handover of the GeoSeeker to "Aktion Pro Afrika": Thanks to the water detector, the association can realize aid projects faster and more cost-effectively.

By handing over the GeoSeeker to the association, current projects can be realized faster and more cost-effectively. The water detector saves time and money for test drillings that were necessary in the past. Thanks to the precise measurement results the waterfinder directly indicates water resources and helps to construct of further wells in the region.

Story continued: More about the use of OKM GeoSeeker in Africa »

The GeoSeeker, developed by OKM and manufactured at the company's headquarters in Germany, is a water detector that localizes water resources such as groundwater and water-bearing soil layers at depths of up to 250 metres. The measurement results of the water detector are visualized in 3D-graphics and thus indicate the position and size of water resources. This advantage facilitates the work of drilling companies, well builders and aid organisations, since the GeoSeeker's specific indications save the need for costly test drilling. Details about the water detector GeoSeeker »

Association "Aktion Pro Afrika" With projects, sponsorships and donations, the association is dedicated to improving living conditions, health and education in Mali. "Aktion Pro Afrika" was launched in 2007 and supports inhabitants of the Sahel zone with the construction of wells, schools and health centres. The association is based in Bochum and is mainly supported by private donations. Further information about "Aktion Pro Afrika" »

Water detection: Sustainable solution to counter drought and water shortage
15 أغسطس 2019

Water detection: Sustainable solution to counter drought and water shortage

Easy-to-use OKM water detectors locate underground water resources with success: GeoSeeker Mini with improved representation for easier evaluation.

Water Detector for "Aktion Pro Afrika" in Mali
04 يوليو 2018

الكشف عن المياه في أفريقيا

تم تسليم جهاز الكشف عن المياه OKM GeoSeeker في ديسمبر 2017 إلى منظمة "Aktion Pro Afrika" - وهي منظمة غير ...

Report about OKM water detector GeoSeeker in POWER magazine
14 ديسمبر 2017

Report about OKM water detector GeoSeeker in POWER magazine

POWER, the HELUKABEL Group customer magazine, reports about OKM in Altenburg, Germany, and focuses on the geophysical water detector GeoSeeker, ...