Treasure finds from Balkan area with eXp 4000

Treasure finds from Balkan area with eXp 4000

المنطقة: Balkan

For 12 months the owner of the OKM ground scanner eXp 4000 from Balkan uses his locating equipment with lots of success. He shared some of his findings with us. Based on his historic knowledge he explored many interesting sites where antique treasures might be located. He scanned these areas with the 3D metal detector eXp 4000 and was able to locate many ancient items.

Two ancient bird statues from the private collection discovered with eXp 4000.

The treasure hunter wrote:

"I send you these photos of my private collection, so that all people know about the success, which I had with my eXp 4000. This device is the best device in the world."

Bronze Imperator Head
Head of an ancient imperator statue made of bronze.
Big marble imperator statue detected with 3D metal detector eXp 4000.
Antique Plate
Antique plate made of gold, silver and bronze with engraved letters.
Antique oil lamp with face on top.
Balkans Treasure 3D Scan
Graphical representation of some treasure objects in Visualizer 3D software.

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