Cavefinder locates greek artefacts in the Ukraine
A small team of treasure hunting enthusiasts discovered an interesting archaeological area where Greeks settled down in former times near to the river Dnepr in the Ukraine. With the help of their geoelectrical instrument Cavefinder B they located voids at a depth of about 1,5 m up to 3 m.

Inside these small caves they successfully excavated various ceramic utensils like these antique vases and many coins. This discovery is not only by chance because the terrain where the team concentrated their research is of great historic interest.

The city of Kherson, where the specialists came from, has been named the door to Europe. In ancient times there was the largest Greek policy - Olviya. This was the area which was also known as the Scythian Empire, here the Scythians settled down in the south of Ukraine and Russia. Scythians were nomadic herders of the steppes north of the Black Sea. The Scythians roamed and ruled much of what is now Ukraine and southern Russia, trading with Greeks, burying their dead in kurgans, and plundering villages. Starting from the 6th century the Scytians imported greek goods such as wine jars (Oinochen) to the Ukraine.

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