New Evidence about the Oak Island Money Pit

OKM and 'The Curse of Oak Island'

المنطقة: Oak Island, Canada
تم اكتشافه بواسطة Gary Drayton

Since July 2020, the OKM 3D ground scanner eXp 6000 Professional Plus is in use on Oak Island. Gary Drayton of 'The Curse of Oak Island' relies on the OKM detector to help him find the fabled treasure in Nova Scotia: Watch episode 1 of season 8 of 'The Curse of Oak Island' on the History Channel.

YouTube Video
OKM eXp 6000 on Oak Island: Gary Drayton scanning the forest
Gary Drayton scans the forest ground searching for new clues and evidence.
OKM eXp 6000 on Oak Island: Scan image generating during measurement
The eXp 6000 generates a first scan image during the measurement.

OKM eXp 6000 Proves Successful

The first successes with the OKM ground scanner: With the eXp 6000 a scan field analysis of the entire area is quickly generated and provides clues about the positions of potential finds: The anomalies are clearly shown in red and blue. Targeted detection finally reveals finds that help solve the mystery of the Money Pit and Oak Island.

OKM eXp 6000 on Oak Island: Display of scan image after the measurement
Current measurement in flat view: The most interesting signals are red and blue.

Recent Discoveries and New Clues

In November we shared an associated article in social media. The coin shown in the picture is the find that has recently been discovered at Oak Island. This find provides new evidence about the Oak Island Money Pit and further clues about the hidden pirate loot.

To be continued ...

Find out how OKM is involved in this discovery and learn more about the history, theories and hypotheses behind the Oak Island mystery in our Blog:

OKM Detector eXp 6000 in 'The Curse of Oak Island'

Since July 2020 OKM 3D ground scanner eXp 6000 supports investigations on Oak Island. Read the story of how it all began ...

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