Dugout from World War I detected

Dugout from World War I detected

تم اكتشافها مع Future I-160 (2001-2017)
المنطقة: Flanders, Belgium
التصنيف الزمني: WW I
تم اكتشافه بواسطة Malcolm Weale

90 years after the famous battle of Passchendaele in Belgium, a British team of scientists and archeologists has made an astonishing discovery.

Near to the city of Ypres, Belgium (Flanders), a team of specialists located a dugout from World War I by using the geophysical detectors Future I-160 and eXp 4000. Just a few month ago there was only a sparse field and the historians did not know for sure that this assumed dugout really exists under the muddy ground.

Malcolm Weale operates the Future I-160 to locate the entry to the dugout.
Ammunition from World War I

For days the large field has been scanned and investigated with Future I-160 and eXp 4000 by scientist Malcolm Weale. In the beginning only a few small military items has been discovered. After several days of scanning and searching both devices picked up the entry shaft of the underground bunker.

The water and clay-filled shaft was a serious challenge for the whole team. It took many days to pump out the shaft and make it accessible. The team of explorers entered the hidden tunnels for the first time after 90 years. For the participants of this excavation it has been a travel back into the time of the World War I. The dugout was preserved very well in its original state. In the hallway they found numerous pieces of ammunition, weapons, boots etc. All those items need to be analyzed in detail by the specialists.

Down Entry Shaft
Down Entry Shaft: Direct look into the entry shaft of the dugout.

The whole project was accompanied by several media, like the british BBC:

Since fall 2008 the major motion picture event "Passchendaele" has started in canadian theaters. The film shows moving battle scenes from this famous battle of Passchendaele in Belgium.

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