eXp 4500 - 3D ground scanner for treasure hunters and gold seekers

21 مارس 2014
YouTube Video

The new eXp 4500 ground scanner has been developed for treasure hunters, gold seekers and prospectors. Its graphical user interface is available in 12 different languages and very easy and intuitive to operate.

Several operating modes like Ground Scan, Mineral Scan, Tunnel Scan and Pinpointer turn this 3D metal detector into a perfect treasure hunting device. Operating the eXp 4500 allows you to penetrate much deeper into the ground than using a common metal detector, no matter if you are looking for treasures, tunnels, chambers or natural gold deposits.

Colonial Era Gold Artifact detected in South America with OKM Bionic X4
01 يونيو 2024

قطعة أثرية ذهبية من الحقبة الاستعمارية اكتشفت في أمريكا الجنوبية مع OKM Bionic X4

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We thank the provider of this extraordinary treasure story of an antique glass mosaic bowl for sending us the particularly ...

French Distributor and Detection Specialist visits OKM Germany
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French Distributor and Detection Specialist visits OKM Germany

The long-term sales partner UDS from France visited OKM Germany to consolidate the sales partnership, test the latest metal detectors ...