Ancient goat bells discovered in Iran

Detected with Future 2005 (2001- 2009)
Depth: 2.1 m (6.9 ft)
Region: Iran
Size: l/w: 10 cm/ 6 cm, 12 cm/ 9 cm, 15 cm/ 13 cm
Also in the beginning of 2008, our customers inform us about their new discoveries with our metal detectors. An old grave including human remains together with some copper rings, and valuable historical goat or sheep bells has been detected in Iran by using the Future 2005. The grave, probably the tomb of a shepherd, including its valuable objects has been located in a depth of 210 cm in clay soil. The ancient bells with sizes 10 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm length and 6 cm, 9 cm, 13 cm width show different forms and unique structures. Each bell includes 1, 2 or 3 small balls who create the pleasant sound when ringing the bell. In former times bells were hung on goats or sheep to keep evil spirits away, so does inhabitants tell.

Along with the pictures of the excavated objects the customer send us his scan images of the area. In both graphics there are typical indications of metal parts in red color visible. Inside the second image even the grave is identifiable (blue coloration).

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