Mummy Detected in 1.5 m (4.9 ft) Depth with eXp 5000

Mummy Detected in 1.5 m (4.9 ft) Depth with eXp 5000

Derinlik: 1.5 m (4.9 ft)
Bölge: Sulaymania, Iraq

In 2010 the eXp 5000 again proves its capabilities and qualities as a truly professional detector. During a detector training for treasure hunters in Sulaymania, Iraq, a mummified cat was found.

Mummy Treasure Iraq
This mummy of a cat has been located in a depth of 1.5 m.
The geophysical instrument eXp 5000 detected the exact location of the discovery.

History shows that not only people were embalmed, but also animals. When a favorite pet died, the animal would be mummified. Sometimes special coffins or grave stones were made. In some animals, the incarnation of a deity was seen. They were kept in temples, were provided with special food and sometimes they were draped with jewels. And when these animals died, they received a complex funeral.

Coins Grave Iraq
These antique coins has been discovered next to the buried mummy.
Coins Belt Clip Artifacts
The DDV system is able to locate even smaller objects like coins and rings precisely.

This discovery was found at a depth of about 1.5 m. In addition to the mummified animal were a few coins discovered. Through a variety of geophysical sensors, the eXp 5000 metal detector can detect metallic and non-metallic treasures and artifacts. Especially the DDV system was developed to discriminate between gold, silver and iron metals.

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