GeoSeeker Tutorial - Part 6: Measurement

Mayıs 14, 2015
YouTube Video

This is part 6 of a series of 7 video tutorials about the geoelectrical water and cavity detector GeoSeeker by OKM. Even after watching this video, we encourage you to read the user's manual as well.

In this part of the video tutorial you will learn about conducting your geoelectrical measurement to find potential places of underground water and cavity. It explaines how to place your detector and electrodes throughout the scanning process.

Comparison of water and cavity detectors OKM GeoSeeker
Ekim 02, 2018

Su ve boşluk dedektörlerinin karşılaştırılması OKM GeoSeeker

GeoSeeker ve GeoSeeker Mini, yeraltı su birikintilerini ve gizli boşlukları tespit etmek için kullanılan jeoelektrik dedektörlerdir. Bu karşılaştırma matrisinde size ...

Report about OKM water detector GeoSeeker in POWER magazine
Aralık 14, 2017

Report about OKM water detector GeoSeeker in POWER magazine

POWER, the HELUKABEL Group customer magazine, reports about OKM in Altenburg, Germany, and focuses on the geophysical water detector GeoSeeker, ...

What is a Control Scan and Why is it Important? | 7 Steps
Mart 07, 2025

What is a Control Scan and Why is it Important? | 7 Steps

Discover the Control Scan technique with the OKM eXp 5500 Pro in our latest tutorial. Frank, our expert, guides you ...

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